Tomato, garlic and chilli soup

It’s raining heavily here today, and although I don’t exactly need an excuse to make soup, I do believe that one of the most comforting things to do is to sip hot homemade soup while watching the rain fall.

So that’s what I did! And as a bonus, the warming scent of the soup cooking permeates the whole bungalow, building the anticipation and making my mouth water.

I’ve used a tomato base this time, with plenty of herbs and spices to complement the garlic and chilli.

It’ll still be delicious if it isn’t raining!

I’m using pearl garlic at the moment which comes in large single cloves (I get it from Lidl), it has a great flavour and as well as being lovely in this soup it roasts very well too. The cloves are pretty huge, I’ve added a photo of one below with a 20 p piece so you can see the size!

Tomato, garlic and chilli soup

Tomato, garlic and chilli soup

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